Call360: FAQs Guide

Call360: FAQs Guide

When it comes to boosting sales and optimising the customer experience, Call360 is an invaluable tool and a leading platform in the world of call analytics. If you’re new to call analytics and are unsure of how this type of technology can be a game-changer for your business, we’ve put together a list of the most common questions we get asked about Call360.


What is call analytics?

Call analytics is a type of deep data analysis that is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI). When a brand receives a call, they can track the source of where the call came from and get insight on customer behaviour, the marketing channels that are bringing in the highest number of qualified leads and more.

All this information can be leveraged to increase sales and bring true ROI back into your business.


What is the difference between call tracking and call analytics?

While they made sound similar, call tracking and call analytics differ in the level of customer insight they provide. Call tracking is useful for gathering basic information such as customer name and location.

Call analytics technology goes deeper and ties online clicks and offline call sales together to provide an overview of the customer journey.


How does Call360 work?

  1. All visitors to your website are tracked and data such as traffic source and keywords are recorded in the platform.
  2. Each call is transcribed, analysed and categorised by powerful AI to reveal the intent, outcome and sentiment of a conversation.
  3. All relevant data is unified for better sales attribution and provides key insight into how you can improve your marketing and sales strategies.
  4. The customer journey can be optimised based on new discoveries, leading to more sales, higher customer retention and better ROI.


Who is Call360 designed for?

As a versatile platform, Call360 can be used across multiple sectors and job roles to achieve a range of benefits. Examples are:

Digital marketing agencies

Marketers can use the technology to enhance marketing campaigns and remove any guesswork in the types of sources that are bringing visitors to a website.

Customer experience professionals

Call360 gives people working in this space the ability to gather customer feedback quickly. There is no need to listen to calls manually and the platform analyses everything automatically to make life easier.

Sales executives

A sales team will benefit from having access to information that gives an overview of how customers are behaving. Armed with this knowledge, they are better equipped to handle objections and plug sales gaps.

Operation managers

Operational staff can see how their teams are performing and analyse inbound call interactions. This means they can identify new opportunities for business growth by looking at the data.


What are the benefits of Call360?

  • Save time: Users can automatically keep track of all inbound calls and have quick access to customer transcripts and valuable data.
  • Greater sales attribution: The Call360 AI analyses and categories all calls based on intent, outcome and sentiment and it integrates with multiple marketing platforms.
  • Improved customer experience analysis: Track the customer experience across various touch points e.g. from click to offline phone call and get a better understanding of how to scale your brand.
  • Better ROI: Refine your marketing campaigns, be more strategic with your budgets and funnel money in the right direction.


What KPIs does Call360 measure?

There are many KPIs Call360 is capable of measuring and here are a few:

  • Return on investment by channel
  • Return on investment by keyword
  • Sales conversion by keyword
  • Average invoice by channel
  • Net sentiment score
  • Customer complaint rate
  • Average resolution time

Book your Call360 demo today

If you have any further questions about how Call360 works and would like to see it in action book a free demo today. Alternatively, you can call us on 01302 636 269.